Hi everyone

Welcome to the Good Place Sanctuary – a small sanctuary in south west Victoria, Australia – home to a wide range of woolly, furry and feathery ones who needed a place to rest, recuperate and rejuvenate from the harshness that was their life before us.

My name’s Tracie. I’m the founder, unpaid staff member and manager of the the Good Place Sanctuary,

The Good Place Sanctuary has been a dream of mine for a very long time. But it’s only now, with my kids grown and off doing their own thing, that I have the time and space available to provide for all the wonderful residents of the Good Place.

Our purpose

The purpose of the Good Place Sanctuary is to help as many of the unwanted, abused, and alone animals as possible irrespective of species or origin. With limited space available this means that while some will stay on, others will rest a while then move on to their own forever home with another family who falls for them and promises to love them forever.


The Good Place Sanctuary is a self-funded venture. The support of like-minded people is always very welcome. One hundred percent of any assistance given will go towards meeting the needs of our many residents, to help keep them in the comfort they so surely deserve.

The Good Place Sanctuary is not yet fully registered as a not for profit – although I’m working on it. If you would like to help support the residents of the Good Place Sanctuary, please go to the Good Place Shop to see if there’s anything there that catches your eye. 100% of all monies received goes directly to supporting and caring for our many beautiful residents.

How did the Good Place come about?

The Good Place began with four little lambs: Frankie, Hannah, Daisy-Belle and Dodgy.

Frankie (the black faced suffolk), Hannah (with the spotty face), and Daisy-Belle (behind Hannah) came as a trio who had been rescued individually and bonded in their first few months of life. They were the first lambs I knew personally and I quickly realised I would have lambs and sheep with me for the rest of my days. Dodgy, who is younger than the trio by a couple of months was alone and needed a buddy, so he came with the trio to live out his life with them in the comfort that all sheep deserve.

All of them come with their own story of hardship in their first days on this planet, but all have overcome that hardship to become the gentlest and most loving of creatures.

Frankie, with his soulful eyes, was the most earnest of them all, and everyone looked to him to tell them if new people and objects were safe, and very importantly to Frankie, if they tasted good. Frankie loved his food. Very sadly we lost Frankie to a accident during the Christmas of 2022.

After Frankie’s passing, Dodgy stepped up as guardian of the flock – always knowing where everyone is and who needs to be carefully watched when the flock is moving around to be sure they don’t get left behind.

Hannah loves life – she loves visitors, she loves new lambs, she loves cuddles and kisses. Hannah is a the Good Place welcoming committee of one

Little Daisy-Belle is like the grand ole lady of the flock – she is shy and quiet, and takes her time trusting new humans, but she takes her human friendships with selected persons very seriously and does not like to share her people with others.

From these wonderful four the sanctuary has grown.

Today there’s probably close to 100 unique beings that call the Good Place Sanctuary home. Many have come from a life where they were valued solely as commodities, that were worth putting time and effort into only if they could deliver a profit at the end; others had merely lost their way, or their place, or their human and needed somewhere to rest.

All are now living a life where they are truly valued as caring, loving individuals in their own right.