2023 was a busy year for lambs here at the Good Place. Starting in May new lambs arrived almost weekly and stories got neglected with the day to day business of keeping everyone healthy taking precedence. nevertheless, with the fire going in the evenings this week all the newbies have quickly found their spots.

Mikey in the purple and Jordyn in the grey were the first to arrive in 2023. Found by her farmer standing in-between two ewes, each with newborn twins, poor little Jordyn was lost and didn’t know which way to turn. Luckily for Jordyn her farmer was a kindly one who gathered her up and took her home to warmth and safety. That farmer had found Mikey a week or so earlier, so wehn Jordyn headed over to the Good Place, Mikey came too.

Next came Wendy (in the red) and Peter. These two littlies arrived in the world and at the Good Place a couple of weeks after Mikey and Jordyn. Their mum was unwell and unable to care for them. But their kind hearted farmer decided that rather than leave them to a cold and heartless death in the paddock, he would reach out for help and instead they find themselves surrounded by warmth and love here at our little sanctuary.

Wendy is the littlest of the two but definitely the loudest and strongest. Poor little Peter struggled and didn’t really come back to this world until the wee hours of the morning. However, other than a slight case of entropion eyelids, he is otherwise now in good health and looking for food.

Sadly, Jordyn lost her buddie Mikey a couple of weeks later, and while she was getting to be a big girl, she wasn’t coping with being out in the lamb shed, and she decided she’d rather stay inside with the little ones – we were very happy to oblige of course.

Wendy also lost her best bud, Peter, but she settled in really well with the next little one to arrive – Charlotte. Charlotte is absolutely gorgeous, with her little black nose and super smiley face, she is one of the cuddliest lambs I’ve ever met.

Next to arrive was Lindy, who took quite a shine to Zoe. Zoe usually goes to some pains to keep the lambs out of her bed, she eventually gave up and decided it was easier to go with Lindy’s flow.

After Lindy there was a quick succession of newbies, seemingly almost every day. First came Andy, who Lindy took under herre wing.

Then came Megs

Jessica arrived not long after Megs

Then came Neville

Then came Woody

Then came Merlin

Then came Jessica – it was getting quite crowed at that point

Jonathan was one of the last for the year

But not quite… He was followed a couple of weeks later by teeny tiny Dart. Dart was a premie baby and sadly didn’t make it, but he was so sweet while he was here.

At about this time, the sun was starting to shine and the big guys were staring to move out into the lamb shed as they began preparing for their move to their forever homes.

Just as everyone had moved on though – along came Tina and Thomas, born here to a young ewe who made her escape to join the boys next door one day last year.

Sadly mum, while interested in where they were and responsive to their calls, flatly refuses to feed them. So the call was made and they moved inside with the other lambs at the Good Place. Thomas (in the blue) and Tina (in the red) born here at the Good Place will remain here for the whole of their lives.

Lastly came Jedd and Cara, two little ones who had been cared for by another rescue for the first few months of their lives, but who struggled to find their forever home.

Jedd and Cara, Tina and Thomas have joined the Good Place flock and today are happily wandering around living their best life along with the other 21 sheep and goats here at the Good Place.