I think this was the first year that all of the Good Place lambs found forever homes. Sadly we lost a few as we always do when they arrive in such a fragile state. But most are now living their best lives i various homes across Victoria.

Lambs generally start arriving in May each each year – 2021 was no different.

Little Oscar was the first lamb for the season. Found cold and alone with no other sheep or farmers in view, his rescuer nevertheless left little Oscar where he was for several hours after he was spotted to make certain his mum was not going to return.

Later that day though he was bundled into a warm dry car and was soon headed to a spot in front of the fire at the Good Place.

Oscar’s history is unknown, but he was at least two days old when he was found, so it is likely that he is the weaker of twins or triplets and that while his mum did her best to care for them all in the first day or so of their life, he eventually fell behind or failed to wake up after a rest and they moved off without him.

His absolute panic whenever he was left alone in his first couple of days at the Good Place, and his struggles to stay awake no matter how tired he got, are likely testament to just how terrifying it must have been for him to wake and find his family gone.

Next up was Betty, seen here sporting her multicolour jumper. Betty wss only two days old when she arrived. She came from a local farmer who found her cold and shivering next to her dead mum after a wet and stormy night. She was lucky to pull through and even luckier that the farmer cared enough to call and ask that we take her in.

and Wilma – Wilma was about 6 days old when she arrived. She was originally given to a lovely lady to hand raise after her mum died during birth. She did a wonderful job with her for her first few days. But she didn’t want her to grow up alone and Wilma was very vocal about wanting a friend, which in small close communities with lots of elderly neighbours isn’t ideal, so she reached out and here she is.

Both can look forward to warm nights, comfy beds, full bellies and long spoilt lives.

Next came Freddie. Wilma was only two weeks old at this stage, but she looked huge to little Freddie.

Then came Theo and Leo. Theodore (Theo) was the bigger of the two and keen to drink. Leroy (Leo) was the smaller one.As usual, Neo appointed himself chief bed warmer while these two littlies settled in.

Susie and Sadie arrived not long after. These girls are twins from a mum who died giving birth to their triplet. They’arrived at the Good Place in the first hours of their life and have never been separated since.

Mary and Bert arrived at the end of the season along with a third who sadly didn’t live long enough to learn his name but at least he was warm, dry and comforted in his short time with us.

And, finally, at the very end of the season we saw the saddest case come through our doors, with four little ones together, all with terrible injuries, two sadly could not be saved, the other two are fighting hard and were transferred to the wonderful people at Lamb Care Australia.