There’s often something that little bit special about the first lamb of the year – and Jethro is most certainly one of the special ones.

Jethro came into this world on a Friday in early June 20-22. No one knows why his mum didn’t stay by his side after he was born, he was a very big lad and maybe the pain of having him was too much for her, maybe foxes or crows, or humans were threatening and her fear was too much. Whatever the cause, little Jethro found himself cold and alone and 95% dead when a passer by spotted him. With no movement and no other sheep near by that passerby thought him long gone, as so many other little bodies strewn across the paddocks at this time of year are. But for some reason they decided to double check just to be sure.

Jethro was barely clinging to life, his temperature so low it wouldn’t even register on a thermometer, and his breathing so light and slow it wasn’t even visible as tiny chest movements. But full of optimism anyway the person gathered little Jethro up and he made his way to sanctuary.

After many hours of slow warming, Jethro came back and tentatively lifted his head up to look around. He had a bad case of pneumonia from the hours in the cold, wet paddock and a badly ulcerated eye from who knows what, but he was a fighter.

And then there were three:

Young Jethro is at the top of the screen, he is feeling much better now the pneumonia has cleared up and his sight seems to be slowly improving. Next to Jethro is little Peanut, closely followed by the beautiful Dotty. Peanut and Dotty were four days old when they arrived at the Good Place. They had been found alone in the paddock by the farmer who surrendered them to another rescue to ensure their safety. As part of Jethro’s ‘treatment’ was ensuring he had some lamb company, these two cuties moved in to help him out.

and then… two more: Calvin in the front and Caleb in the grey behind him – then Jethro in the rainbow, Dotty in the pink and Peanut in the blue.

Peanut and Jethro has something special going on from the start, and they still do. To this day they are never far from each other’s side – although Peanut, in her inimitable style, is invariably the leader on whatever adventure they choose for the day.

Sprout was the next addition to the 2022 mob. Sprout was found by her farmer after her mum walked off with her bigger twin leaving her behind. He gathered her up and she made her way to the Good Place. Sprout took much longer than usual to find her feet, struggling to walk for her first couple of days. But she’s right in with everyone else now and will happily climb over her biggest siblings to get the best spot by the fire – or the couch

Next to arrive was Minnie, from the same farmer as little Sprout. Together they became firm friends very quickly. But this time it was another rescue that needed company for a lonely little lamb, and so Sprout and her paddock sister Minnie, headed off to a new home in the hope that a lonely lamb, on the left, who was being bullied by the bigger and stronger ones he shared his house with, would make friends with a couple of quieter friendly girls. It seemed like the plan worked perfectly, a match made in heaven I think.

Quokka came next. He arrived very weak and sick with a large infected hole in his head, likely due to a bird strike at some point in his first week or so of life. It was touch and go if he’d make it and his injury was too severe to be treated at the Good Place, so he headed off to the very capable hands of Victorian Lamb Rescue (VLR) where he progressed brilliantly.

Jeff (in the purple) and his brother Jimmy (n the grey) arrived not long after Quokka. The J’s arrived at the Good Place after their mum passed away shortly after their birth and they were spotted by some caring strangers huddled together by their dead mum.

As the sunshine began to emerge with Spring, Jeff and Jimmy began to enjoy life in the outside world. Their future is definitely looking sunny from here on though.

Kingsley and Milo, the third pair of newbies to turn up at the Good Place were the last of 2023, made the most of the pace opening up by the fire as some of the older boys and girls made their way off to their forever homes..

Then just as the last of the Good Place lambs was ready to head off (except for Jethro and Peanut, who were destined to stay on forever here at the Good Place, a final young couple made their way here. Bear (now renamed Bertie) (on the chair) and Priscilla were lovingly cared for by another rescue organisation in their early days, but still in search of their forever home a couple of months later, the decision was made to adopt them as part of the Good Place crew.

So, despite the best of efforts in 2021, the Good Place numbers increased by four in 2022.