Every visitor to the Good Place Sanctuary is welcomed by a very special sheep – Hannah.

Hannah was one of the first lambs to call the Good Place home. Hannah came to us as a baby from Victorian Lamb Rescue along with three of her friends. Her start in life was not a good one, ending up with a broken leg in the first days of her life. Little did she know that that trauma would lead her to VLR, who lovingly nursed her back to health, and then on to the good life at the Good Place.

Hannah’s journey with me began at a rented property while I put the finishing touches on the renovation of the old country church that we now call home. We had planned to be there for around a year.

But fate did not cooperate and at less than a year old Hannah was seriously mauled by a neighbor’s dog, and I feared she would not make it – her hind leg had been completely skinned by the time I pulled the dog off her. Hannah is a fighter though and she was determined to overcome all obstacles.

My concern that the dog would once again get through our fences was too great though and Hannah once again headed to VLR for some rest and recuperation, where she was, I’m told, a perfect patient and a firm favorite, while I urgently got the fences and shedding finished at our new home.

On the road to recovery, Hannah was soon on the road to Branxholme too – where our sanctuary now stands. Where once I wondered if her leg would heal at all and if it did whether any wool would ever again grow there, you would never know there was an injury. She does have a limp, but that is on her front leg that was broken when she was tiny.

She does not let that stop her though – she loves playing chasey with the lambs and will always saunter over to greet any visitors to the Good Place – while quietly checking out any pockets for hidden weetbix of course.


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